Communities right across regional Victoria have been doing it particularly tough of late, with many parts of the state dealt the triple blow of dry weather conditions, summer bushfires and the coronavirus pandemic.
We recognise our regions are Victoria’s lifeblood. Regional Victoria’s many cities and towns are home to around one in four Victorians, account for 700,000 jobs and almost a quarter of the state’s small businesses. That makes for a lot of hard-working individuals and communities contributing to our $80 billion dollar regional economy
But importantly, through all the challenges there have also been opportunities and our regional communities aren’t on their own in working through them all, Regional Development Victoria (RDV) teams are always on the ground working hand in glove with regional communities and businesses.
For instance, we’re helping boost stock of Personal Protective Equipment by teaming up with the likes of Med-Con in Shepparton, we’re supporting breweries as they pivot to supply hand-sanitiser, and we’re working with vulnerable businesses from critical sectors to help them navigate job, supply chain and market access challenges.
It is in hands-on practical ways, such as these above examples attest, that we’re ensuring rural and regional Victoria maintains its reputation as one of the most modern and efficient in the world.
Bushfire Recovery
Fires in East Gippsland and the North East not only impacted businesses in the fire footprint in terms of animal welfare, livestock support and regional planning, but also affected producers including wineries across much of the state.
But we’re on the road to recovery.
RDV staff are on the ground in Victoria’s fire affected regions speaking directly with many impacted businesses and communities and will continue to play a key role in the recovery effort.
Building big to drive our state’s economic recovery
The Victorian Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works stimulus package – for works that can start straight away – is building projects that matter to Victoria, and putting people into employment.
The package will create thousands of jobs, with more than half of the projects in rural and regional areas – from our smallest town to our most famous natural wonders including a new trail for the Twelve Apostles, a new visitor centre at Lake Tyrrell, a Mildura Riverfront upgrade, new accommodation at Mount Buffalo and a commercial and recreational project at Mt Hotham.
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