Services and support for farmers

The Victorian Government is providing support and services for farm businesses and rural communities recovering from natural disasters and challenging seasonal conditions.

Technical Information and Decision-Making Support

Agriculture Victoria is working with Victorian farmers and industry to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters through the delivery of technical information and decision-making support. This includes information and services related to:

  • Grazing, cropping, and pasture management
  • Irrigation and horticulture system rehabilitation
  • Soil erosion management
  • Land management
  • Animal health and nutrition
  • Farm mapping and planning
  • Water quality
  • Weed management.

Contact the Agriculture Recovery team on 136 18 or email for more information and support. You can also visit for the latest on in-person and online events.

Farm Business Resilience Program (FBR)

The program supports farmers to develop knowledge and skills to improve their farm business and be better equipped to manage the impacts of drought and a changing climate. The program supports farmers to improve skills and management practices in:

  • Business planning and risk management
  • Farm finances and profitable decision making
  • Managing people on farm, farm safety, and wellbeing
  • Climate adaptation and natural resource improvement including soil, water, crops, and pastures.
  • For more information on the Farm Business Resilience program and to keep up to date with the latest information on FBR courses, workshops, services and resources, visit and subscribe to the Recovery and Resilience e-newsletter.

    The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Victorian Government’s Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund.

    Network groups and events

    Agriculture Victoria’s networks and groups support farmers, growers, and industry to adopt and share information and ideas, including the Young Farmer Business Network, BestWool/BestLamb, BetterBeef, and the Horticulture Industry Network. Visit

    Rural Financial Counselling Service

    The Rural Financial Counselling Service is a free, independent, and confidential service staffed by qualified and experienced Rural Financial Counsellors who understand farming and business.

    A Rural Financial Counsellor can help you better understand your financial position, the viability of your enterprise and help identify options to improve your financial position. Counsellors can also provide referrals and options for accessing government or industry grants and programs.

    Counsellors have offices across the state and are available to come to your place of business.

    For more information call 1300 771 741 or visit

    The Rural Financial Counselling Service is funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments.

    Farm debt mediation – your farm, your business

    In Victoria, banks and other creditors must offer to undertake mediation with farmers before they can initiate debt recovery on farm mortgages.

    Farm debt mediation is a structured negotiation process where a neutral and independent mediator assists the farmer and the creditor to reach an agreement about current and future debt arrangements.

    The service is low cost ($195, per party), confidential, and independent and can help avoid the costs and other consequences of expensive and potentially unnecessary litigation.

    The Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) manages all aspects of the Farm Debt Mediation Scheme. Agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, and timber production businesses are all included.

    For more information call the VSBC on 1800 878 964, or or visit and search ‘farmers’.

    Article kindly provided by Agriculture Victoria.

    Agriculture Victoria

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    Agricultural Contacts

    Agriculture Victoria works to grow and protect profitable, sustainable farms in thriving regional and rural communities across Victoria. Agriculture Victoria

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