Services and support for farmers

The Victorian Government is providing support and services for farm businesses and rural communities recovering from challenging seasonal conditions.

Recovery can be a challenge for any farm business and it’s important to be able to make early decisions and prepare for the future.

Decision Making Support

Decision-making workshops and services delivered by Agriculture Victoria and industry partners provide technical support to assist farm businesses prepare for and manage challenging seasons and adverse events.

A range of tools, information and contacts for associated services are available at on a variety of topics including:

  • stock containment areas
  • feeding and managing livestock
  • farm water management
  • animal welfare
  • irrigation
  • whole farm planning
  • climate change risk management
  • business management
  • recovery after severe events

The website also lists upcoming events and workshops.

Network groups across the state support farmers and industry groups to upskill and share information and ideas with other farmers. These include the Young Farmer Business Network and groups such as BestWool/BestLamb, BetterBeef and the Horticulture Industry Network.

Farm Debt Mediation – Talk can be cheaper

Under Victorian legislation, banks and other creditors must offer to undertake mediation with farmers before they can initiate debt recovery on farm mortgages.

Farm debt mediation is a structured negotiation process where a neutral and independent mediator assists the farmer and the creditor to reach agreement about current and future debt arrangements.

The service is low cost (currently $195 per session, per party), confidential, independent and can help avoid the costs and other consequences of expensive and potentially unnecessary litigation.

Agriculture Victoria administers the scheme and the Victorian Small Business Commission arranges the mediation service.

For more information
Please contact a farm debt mediation officer on 136 186 or

Rural Financial Counselling Service

The Rural Financial Counselling Service is a free, independent and confidential service staffed by qualified and experienced Rural Financial Counsellors who understand farming and business.

A Rural Financial Counsellor can help you better understand your financial position and the viability of your enterprise and help identify options to improve your financial position. Counsellors can also provide referrals and options for accessing government or industry grants and programs.

Counsellors have offices across the state and are available to come to your place of business.

For more information
Call 1300 771 741 or

Smarter Safer Farms

Smarter, Safer Farms invests in programs to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of Victorian farmers, farming families and communities. Projects include: delivering more farmer health checks; access to free safety resources, tools and support to reduce risks on the farm; and, programs to enhance social connectedness through community events, training and awareness of mental health treatment and support options.

For more information, visit

Agriculture Victoria contacts

For general information about agriculture recovery
Call 136 186 or

Article kindly provided by Agriculture Victoria

Ag-vic DrySeasons
