Safety First when digging – Before You Dig

Before You Dig is a free service that puts farmers planning to dig in contact with owners of underground pipes and cables that may run through and around rural properties. It is essential to lodge an enquiry with Before You Dig before any excavation work as the presence or location of underground assets may not be known to landowners.

Minor excavation activities can cause major damages to these underground networks.

Farmers can lodge a free enquiry online at or by calling 1100 during business hours. You will receive plans providing details about underground assets including information on how to work safely around them.

Lodging a Before You Dig enquiry is particularly important in rural areas and is the essential first step when excavating for works such as fencing, planting, constructing a dam or shed, or even when burying livestock.

Rural property owners must show duty of care when working around assets.

  • Underground network information should be sought well in advance of excavation activities
  • If the scope of works changes or plan validity dates expire, you must submit a new Before You Dig enquiry
  • Always perform an onsite inspection for the presence of assets. Should you require an onsite location, contact the asset owner directly
  • You must dig by hand when excavating or working close to underground networks
  • If damage to an underground asset occurs, you must advise the asset owner immediately.

Always ‘Before You Dig’ and remember the 4 P’s of safe excavation – Plan – Pothole – Protect and only then Proceed.

Recently we’ve seen more and more farms becoming a member of Before You Dig (DBYD) which means their assets are protected through the DBYD service. New members include Windfarms; as the Turbines generate electricity it is carried via underground cables to the substation. If these cables are damaged via excavation works it could be a very dangerous situation for the excavator or a costly fix for all parties involved.

For more information on registering your assets please contact Simon on Email Us or fill out an “Expression of Interest” form.

Article kindly provided by Before You Dig.

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